domingo, 11 de enero de 2009


There is a town
Where I was born
Far far away
Across the sea

And in that town
Where I was born
I would dream
That one day
I would leave
And cross the sea

And so it goes
And so it seems
That God lives only in our dreams
In our dreams

And now I live
In this town
I walk these dark streets
Up and down, up and down
Under a dark sky
And I dream
That one day
I'll go back home

And so it goes
And so it seems
That God lives only in our dreams
In our dreams
Nick Cave

2 comentarios:

problemática histórica dijo...

en fin, creo que me acabo de deprimir...:)

Lunatic dijo...

Y bueno, mi querida, este es el lado más oscuro del lado oscuro de la habitación. Pero, acaso como todo, esa habitación es yin y es yang. Have a nice day!